Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Girls, Giggles and God

While some of the team was at Bobo, I spent Friday and Saturday with 4 terrific teen gals. We had a dance party, painted nails, walked the neighborhood doing a photo safari, and laughed a lot. It was their FIRST retreat ever! We focused our spiritual time on Psalm 139 and took time to remind ourselves that being different is good, that means that we are unique and special, just like God made us.

I spent the rest of the weekend at the Nesselroad home which was a wonderful time to reconnect with their family. Although we are continents apart, we have so many things in common!

As we put away the last suction tubing, the last 4 by 4, and the last ambu bag today we stood back in amazement at what the Lord had done. Truly, last week I was beginning to doubt that this warehouse project would be finished before we left. And then, all of a sudden, it turned a corner and began to take shape. Things are on shelves, you can see the floor, and every box is in it's section. Truly a miracle.

As I type, I can hear someone playing the xylophone, it's a full moon and it is still really warm. It is hard to believe that tomorrow night that we will be on our way home to cooler climates and familiar faces.

Thank you again for your love and support and most of all your prayers.
loving you,

Where have all the workers been?

HELLO! We want to quickly say that the internet has not cooperated with us at all this past week. We are so sorry that we haven't been able to keep you up to date on what is going on. We have been living the fun and the frustrations of missions work, not only here in Koutiala, Mali, but also is Bobodiaoulasso, Burkina Faso.

We have had such a great time working and laughing and sharing with the missionaries and the Malians and in some ways it is difficult to believe that it is time to come home. God has blessed our team with a spirit of cooperation, which has grown into a love for one another and a deeper love for the Malians.

As we look back at the work that has been accomplished these past few weeks and it is truly miraculous at what the Lord has allowed us to do. ALL the boxes that had previously been stored in the Pediatrics Building has been moved, sorted and repacked if necessary and stacked on racks built as we worked in the new warehouse. It is amazing to see how much has been donated from our friends across the United States.

The x-ray room is completed and ready to have the x-ray unit installed, and none too soon because word was received just today that the x-ray unit is ready to be shipped.

Wiring of the warehouse is well underway and much can be left for the Malians to complete. The main trunk line to the new Women's Building has been completed but there will need to be much more wiring done in the future as the building is constructed. When we first came there were only a few of the support "cages" built for the new building, many, many more have been constructed in the time that we have been here.

The hospital staff, missionaries and Malians are feeling the pinch of the increase in the workload and are scurrying to teach/learn all the new things they need to learn about for taking care of pediatric inpatients.

There has been a total of three teams here while we have been here, each overlapping in one way or another. In addition to us, there is a medical team here offering support for Dr. Dan and the nursing staff as well as teaching ultrasound classes. There has also been a work team from Omaha here that worked on the fiberoptic cables for the computer system that will be installed at the hospital. Lots of work being completed.

Our devotions this morning were from Mark 6, where Jesus fed the 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes. What I got from that lesson is there is much to be done and how the disciples must have felt so overwhelmed and frustrated when Jesus wanted to feed them, much like everyone at the hospital must feel with so much to be done. But we were reminded that Jesus can do this work all by himself, He doesn't need us (just like he didn't need the offering of the five loaves and two fishes) to complete His work, but He has allowed, yes, allowed us to be a part of the work, just like he allowed the disciples to be a part of feeding the 5,000, He is completing here in Koutiala.

Some of us traveled to Bobo in Burkina Faso over the weekend to visit a school in Dedougou and the Bible School at Pondue as well as to visit some of the work in Bobo. It was an eye opening experience to see the level of dedication from the pastors in the area and also to see their great needs. It seems that God continues to enlarge our territory every time we visit here.

Well, as a play on words from an old song, "all our bags are packed, we're ready to go, we're standing here inside the door . . . . . . "we're leaving on a jet plane, can't wait till we get back again, oh Lord, we hate to go." Yes, we hate to go, but we are all homesick and anxious to see our families and share with them the excitement that we feel seeing God's hand at work here in West Africa.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Earl for President

Hair cuts, tailor made clothes, more boxes, and soccer. Barb has a steady stream of women missionaries getting beautiful hair cuts and perms.....a refreshing start and a wonderful encouragement when you are a long way from home.

Jean, Barb, Sandy, and Jerry have made the grand adventure to the fabric store and the tailor to create special outfits made just for them. So, watch out world, here they come! They look like true Malians.

We have only 1 more room to empty of boxes and get into the warehouse. So, the tide is turning. Still a lot to do, but we may be winning the war after all.

Earl and Brent have been steadily working on the x-ray room. First the metal z-channel went up, then the pink insulation which we decided was not a good color for them. Next came the fiberglass reinforced polyester which is white. The rumor is Earl is moving into the white house! We are thinking of electing him president of Mali.

Jack and Jerry are busy wiring and Erv is doing all the heavy lifting for the warehouse move.
So, each day is an adventure.

As we headed home today, we stopped briefly at a soccer match. Imagine playing on a dirt field, surrounded by a huge crowd. They have it announced by loudspeaker...it is quite an event. We drew a crowd of children as usual as we stood for a few minutes. They love to be greeted and absolutely love to see the photos of themselves that you have taken.

We greet you in the name of the Lord. Tomorrow Jack, Barb, Jean, and Sandy head to Burkina Faso to greet other Alliance friends. Jan has a mini-retreat planned for the 4 teen girls this weekend and the other guys will be be working and fending for themselves.
We are grateful for your support and prayers.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Internet is working

Work is way ahead of schedule for the Omaha team installing the fiber optics at the hospital. It will be a real blessing when their job is completed. The internet comes and goes here. That is the reason yesterday's posting is here today. That is also the reason emails have not been sent to family and friends on a regular basis too.

Everyone is well and work is progressing at a good pace for both the men and women on our team. It is 4:30am here and breakfast needs started before the rest of the team awakes. So this will be short and sweet.

Just wanted all to know, while the internet is up, that we are doing exceptionally well mentally, physically, and spiritually. Thanks for the prayers and keep it up for eight more day. You are loved and missed each one.

Monday, March 2, 2009

One Big Happy Family

It is 10:30 and I am sitting here alone. The rest of the team are all asleep preparing for another day's work. Tonight is one of those nights where I am tired physically and just too wound up emotionally to sleep. It will be a long night and even longer day.

We welcomed two other teams today...one from the Washington/Oregon area and one from Omaha. The first is a medical team doing training in ultrasound and procedures; the other is installing fiber optics at the hospital. As is normal when teams arrive, everyone gets together for a potluck dinner and a time of fellowship to meet and greet. There were over 50 people in the upstairs of the guesthouse eating spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread, chatting around tables and meshing together as one big family. The evening ended with cake for dessert to celebrate Earl's birthday.

It has been a birthday to remember for Earl. We have picked at him nonstop all day. Although that is not much different that any other day. :=) At lunch, Jerry came out with a stack of cards for him from home. He was pleasantly surprised with the special delivery. Then the cake and everyone singing was the finishing touch to his big day.

The light at the end of the tunnel is becoming visible as we continue to empty rooms of the boxes in the Peds building and move the supplies to their permanent storage area in the new warehouse. Jan and Jean have provided the medical knowledge to accomplish this task with Sandy, Barb, Erv, and many others sorting, repacking, and storing the hundreds of boxes. At times we felt like we were making it worse instead of better; where now we can see the order coming out of the chaos. This will be such a huge help to the hospital staff when they restock and are looking for specific items.

As I sit here, the peace and quiet of the day is settling on me. The hum of the fans, warm air circulating, and the squeaks of the bats hanging from the trees outside the windows is very calming. This could be a warm summer's night at home minus the bat squeaks. In the light of day, you see the yard is surrounded by a high wall and a gate opens to head out. The red dirt and dust, flocks passing with their shepherds, donkey carts, bicycles, motos and people make you aware you are not in Ohio. A short term trip has it's excitements and thrills and is just that...short term.

Our missionaries live around the world with third, fourth, and fifth world conditions on a daily basis. The magnitude of what they give up to serve the Lord cannot be fully comprehended on a short term trip but can be seen and felt. They need our prayers, love, encouragement, and support. We need to be the passionate prayer warriors that hold the ropes as they battle on the front lines for His kingdom. We are all His children; part of His family. Remember our brothers and sisters who are serving as missionaries around the world.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Worship African Style

Rhythmic drum beats, smiling faces, little boy's feet swinging off the bench, the congregation singing for an hour and the sermon being translated in Bambara and French. Worship for us was much different than what we are all usually used to, but our hearts resonated with our brothers and sisters in Christ at Bethel Church. Today's sermon was based on 1 Peter 2:2 about continuing to grow in your faith by reading the Word and imitating Christ in your life. Great words. We hope your days of worship were uplifting.

Last night we had the 3 teaching pastors from Bethel and their wives for dinner. It was a spaghetti dinner American style. We learned a lot about their culture, the Bible and they asked us all about American Farming. (there is a joke here about being a "bean eater") so to be a soy bean farmer was over-the-top! We talked about how difficult it is to be a Christian around the world: Here in Mali where you will be disowned by your Muslim family, or in France & America where people think you are narrow minded. We learned that kids are named after the idol that "brings" them to their family. When they come to Christ, they change their names. Changed from the inside and the outside. These families are overflowing with the joy of Christ and there was so much laughter. We wish you could have joined us.

One of the untitled jobs of the short term missionaries is to encourage those who serve here full time. It has been our pleasure to bring treats to the wonderful people that work here, listen to their stories, and pray for them. Please join us in remembering them in your prayers and supporting them through the Great Commission Fund.

We have enjoyed our day of rest. I especially liked my hour of photography with Rachael with the local kids following us. But tomorrow, it is back to work. God bless you.

Sunday in Africa

It has been a couple of days since we posted anything. We have been so busy and so many people have been in and out of the Guest House and we have been having a problem getting into the blog when bobojula couldn't get on. So, it has been great. It is very, very hot, which is uncomfortable, but do-able. We invited Daniel & Naama, Enoch & Dorcas and Daouda and Tabitha to dinner here last night. It was a great time of laughing and rejoicing in what God has done for us.

The men completed pulling all the wire from the electrical building to the new building yesterday and were pretty wiped out from working outside all day and the heat. The women went to the tailor yesterday and spent yesterday afternoon preparing dinner for last night.

We are on our way to church and hopefully having a relaxing day. Please pray for us as many of us have heard from family members who are struggling with health issues and other things. Will post more soon, with pictures.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Anyone For Eating With Your Hands?

As is par for the course on a short term trip, our day was packed full from beginning to end. Just ask anyone who has been here and they will tell you stories of how God orders each day and provides just the right amount of strength for that day. He did it again today.

We have an amazing team. Each one is gifted in their own personal way and uses those gifts to build up the rest of team. We share our strengths, blending well together, and become a perfect whole for the work the Lord has for us to do. Earl and Erv keep us laughing all the time. Jerry comes along bringing a quiet, peaceful nature along with Brent and his soft spoken way. As you can see by the picture, they have a great time together.

Anyway, back to the eating with the hands. We all were working along this morning when Bob announced that lunch was to be served at the hospital in the true African fashion. Three ladies from town had made peanut sauce over rice and more rice and more rice. We sat on metal benches with huge bowls of rice before us as we gathered around the bowls of HOT food. Each had our own wedge section of the bowl that was alloted to us to dip into with our fingers, mash it together, and bring to our mouths to eat. (Great task if you are a practiced African eater.) The food was delicious and we had some good laughs as we attempted to eat. In the end, we could say, "Ene fara"(I am full) and "Batika"(thank you for the food).

Thurday being Market day, which is a day any traveler never wants to miss, we headed to town. The downtown area is packed to overflowing with vendors in their claimed areas along with others walking around with their items on their heads. We just "window shopped" and enjoyed people watching and they watched us and sometimes calling out "toubabou" (white person). We will go back on another day to do our real shopping.

After that experience, we were off to Bethel Bible school to greet our dear friends. Our hugs and tears crossed the language barriers as we were welcomed "home". Tabitha and Daouda proudly introduced us to their eight month old son Ebenezer. He is a big boy already and trying to walk. He is a typical active boy, into everything and keeping his parents jumping to "save" him from trouble. Unlike most African children, Ebenezer was not afraid of the toubabous. We will go back tomorrow afternoon to spend two hours with their Alliance women during their "sewing circle".

After a quick enjoyable evening at the Wright's for dinner and conversation with them sharing their missionary life and future prayer requests, we headed back across the street to the guesthouse and some much enjoyed rest.

Tomorrow brings a very early morning for the men as they want to be at the hospital at dawn. They will be pulling the main power wires in the ditch the Malians have dug by hand from the power station to the new construction. Doing it early in the morning, keeps them out of the hot sun later in the day as it hit one hundred and two today.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Greetings from Koutiala this Wednesday! We had another work day in our respective areas - wiring, insulation, and organizing supplies. It is an amazing place to be.

We in a Malian courtyard today will remain a highlight of our trip. Two years ago the first baby that weighed under two pounds and survive was born at the hospital. That was at the same time that Barb and Jean visited. They checked on this little guy every day and after two and half weeks, they still weren't sure he would survive when left to go home. Vitisiting his isolette everyday, they became friends with the baby's parents. The father happened to speak very good English and a friendship developed. Because the father taught German at the government high school, he had access to email and has emailed over the last two years.

Moussa (father), Ami (mother) and Daouda (baby), met Barb and Jean the first day they visited Mali last year. Ami and Daouda visited the hospital yesterday and invited the ladies to her courtyard this afternoon. We arrived to find a courtyard with many Malian women and children and Ami's brother. We were only there for about 45 minutes, but we had a great time clapping and dancing to African music and playing with the children, blowing bubbles and laughing a lot. Malians love to laugh. The language barrier was great, but smiles, laughter and fun cross all barriers. Ami offered us a wonderful snack of shrimp crackers and a cooked, "pickled" relish tray of traditional Malian vegetables. It was very good. The longer we stayed the more ladies and children showed up, we discreetly counted about 60 people! We presented Daouda with gifts for his second birthday, which included a youth-sized soccer ball, a full-sized soccer ball, some goodies and a couple of outfits. Ami was delighted to accept them on his behalf.

We were sad that Daouda's father could not meet with us. He is in Bamako having some kind of surgery on his sinuses. Perhaps we will see him before we go.

God is good, we have been praying that we will spend time building relationships and being able to meet with Ami again and show her His love is a small part of what we know He is doing in her life. Earl brought a Gideon's Bible written in French, but it is in German, hopefully we will see Moussa before we go and give him the Bible. Perhaps he will use it in his classrom! Isn't God good?


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Laughing and learning in the Lord

Today has been another day of serving the Lord in so many ways...greeting the locals, loving the missionaries, sorting the boxes Shelby Alliance has sent ahead, wiring, getting the ceiling in X-ray ready...ready.

At the end of the day are the stories: of Olive who came to Africa long ago to serve in the bush as a midwife in a hut and now serves here, of Barry who has worked with the Fulani (nomadic herders) tribe and is now in charge of stores, of Terry his wife whose parents who as they left as Alliance missionaries were blessed by AW Tozer himself and now has dedicated her life as an RN to this hospital.

Today we started our day with driving through the market with the vibrant colors, smells, and sights to join the staff for devotionals in Bambara and French. We then split up and jump into our different roles. Our team has an amazing variety of personalities and all are filled with the joy of the Lord. So, you guessed it...we LAUGH a lot. Not just chuckle, but grab your sides, stop what you are doing and enjoy the moment laugh.

We covet your prayers for health, safety and that we would keep our focus on serving the Lord through loving people first and accomplishing our work after that. Blessings on you from Mali.
Love, Jan

Monday, February 23, 2009

Workday #1

It's hot in Mali today, but it would be, since it is hot season. It was a good work day for both teams. The guys got the joists up for the x-ray ceiling and the gals plus Erv painted the two HUGE storage rooms and cleaned and moved shelving units (after moving ALL those shoes off of them) into the storage rooms. Tomorrow we will begin to put all the stock together, now stored in three different locations and try to make some semblance of order. Everyone is excited to finally have a permanent home for everything.

There were about 60 people at devotions at the hospital today. It was so nice to see old friends and make new. We had devotions tonight from Mark 5, about making a difference in the lives of our Malian and missionary friends. It was a good devotion because that is one of the things that we want to do this time, spend time building relationships with the people here.
Greetings from sunny, warm, and dusty Koutiala. We have arrived and have half a days work completed. Taking a lunch break and siesta(not sure what that is in French).

We did try to update the blog yesterday. Trouble was the screen came up in French and none of us could translate it to get to the post area. We have played with it enough today and here we are.

Our flight arrived safely Saturday evening and we were greeted by Bob who whisked us away to the guesthouse and our rest for the evening. Exchanged money early Sunday morning and began our five hour ride to Koutiala. The ride was full of laughter and stories as we shared and began to get to know each other.

Getting things organized here at the guesthouse and at the work site has filled the morning in preparation for our days ahead. Things are coming together very well and there is no concern of running out of work. There is always much to do here and never enough time to do it all.

Hospital devotions this morning were from Hebrews 13 and very uplifting and encouraging. We prayed for a lady that came to Christ over the weekend that the Lord would continue to grow her and that her husband would follow her with his own commitment. Prayer was also asked for concerning the new construction of the first section of the next phase of building.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Meet the Team

One week from today, we will be off on our adventure to Koutiala Hospital for Women and Children. It just occurred to me that we need to introduce our team. We are a group of nine with four women and five men.

Jack Eisenbach, from New York, is the team lead for construction with Jerry Bechtol, Brent and Earl Jentes (father and son) from Wooster, and Erv Powell from Shelby. Sandy Maddox (Galion), Jan Brauer(Oregon), Jean Viers and Barb Powell (Shelby) will be moving and organizing the warehouse. Sandy is the only first timer on this trip. All the others have been there at least once before and some have been there numerous times.

We know the Lord has assembled this team and has definite plans for each of us. We look forward to seeing all He has for us and are going to love sharing it daily with each of you.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Everything is coming together

As we prepare for this trip, we know we need prayer warriors lifting us up every minute of every day. Today there are four of the nine of us struggling with winter colds and flu symptoms. One man is sick enough he is considering dropping out. There is so much work we have before us and every person is needed. We need to be prayed up and prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually for this trip. Please pray for our health in those areas.

Received word this morning that the son and daughter-in-law of one of the team members had a house fire last night with the high winds that came through and lost everything. They literally got out with their two small girls and the clothes on their backs.

We have seven days until we fly out and lots of work ahead of us. Each of us can have two fifty pound suitcases and a carry-on. Please pray also that we can discern the priority for items to go, that all luggage will weigh out at 50 pounds, that the airline would be gracious to us with overage, and that all luggage would arrive safely and in perfect shape.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Barb Getting Ready to Go to Mali

We are setting up this blog so you can keep track of our trip, see pictures and know what is going on at the Hospital for Women and Children.
Check back often from now through March 15th when we are settled back at our home.